National Animal Genetic Bank (NAGB)
NAGB is focused on collecting available genomic samples from wild fauna of the Czech Republic and also data on other existing genomic samples, e.g. from finished research projects or samples stored in museums, which can come from all over the world. NAGB ensures their long-term quality preservation and provides data to a widely accessible database of these samples to make them available for (further) research and thereby aims to contribute also to effective species conservation.
NAGB's Secretariat:
Institute of Vertebrate Biology CAS
Research facility Studenec
Studenec 122, 675 02 Koněšín
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 560 590 612
Mobil: +420 608 549 416
IVB Fall Camp
On 2nd-3rd October 2015 IVB Fall Camp took place at the Mohelský Mill Field Station. It was a meeting of researchers and students of IVB AS CR. Main aims of the meeting were a discussion on individual scientific issues and an introduction of the National Animal Genetic Bank. The seminar was attended by 32 participants, who could also visit molecular laboratories and newly reconstructed store of genetic samples.